An independent co-educational school serving preschool through Grade 8.
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Class of 2021 Personal Memoir: Liam
Liam, Class of 2021

Hi, my name is Liam. I'm in 8th grade and my favorite class is history. I had the privilege of being elected by my peers for the captain spot of the Iroquois team and to serve as a role model for the younger classes. 

Two of my memories from here at Clark are the last day of 5th grade and the first day of 8th grade. Both days were an emotional wave. Graduating 5th grade was interesting as I realized what I had accomplished and how far I had come since the beginning. But by the end it was a lot deeper than that, I began to realize what was about to come and all the great things that would happen to me in the coming years. We had a lot of new things in 5th grade that I didn´t think I could handle, but with the help of my teachers and friends, I was able to push through. 

On the first day of 8th grade, I felt so excited to be back in school. Although my parents had decided to keep me at home in virtual learning, it felt great to be back. Just like the last day of 5th grade, I realized what I had accomplished since the day I set foot in this school. I remembered all the projects, all the friends, all the new people who got the same opportunities I did. I realized that I could do anything because of my education and I knew my teachers would support me in my high school decision and other important decisions. I knew how much I could trust every single one of them. Then I realized that I was about to go through my last year here and it all hit me with one strong blow. My time here is almost up, I thought as I stared through the screen at my pixelated friends.  

As I look back on everything that has happened, I realize how much Stanley Clark has shaped me. It has disciplined me when I had bad grades or when I did something wrong. From kindergarten to 8th grade, my teachers have supported my decisions in sports, in the classroom, and out. Subs like Mr. Shepard have told us stories that allowed us to be more open to new ideas and to be more observant about the things that God blessed us with. 

My friends like Rowen, Sofie, and Jack have helped me with mental things and have participated with me in things outside of school in order to encourage me to be a better student, athlete, and person. The community that Stanley Clark has built is almost indestructible and we will always have each other's backs no matter what. We have developed respect and good outgoing attitudes towards our parents, teachers, and others. We have learned how to be successful in the classroom and on the athletic field. All of us are fine-tuned to near perfection in the classroom, which makes us proud and our teachers proud. This is Stanley Clark. Welcome to our home. 

  • Class of 2021

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