An independent co-educational school serving preschool through Grade 8.
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Class of 2021 Personal Memoir: Elliott
Elliott, Class of 2021

What if we can't go anywhere for spring break? What if we left school for a week? We had no idea that the whole world would change. It was early March and my friends and I were sitting in the hallway. We were all happy and excited, we were talking about the mysterious virus we didn't know anything about. We were excited for our 8th grade year with no idea how different it would actually be. Soon school was canceled for a week. We thought we would be back soon and that it was so fun to be out of school for a while. I never knew what I had until it was gone. 

Then school was closed for the next two weeks, then the rest of the year. Almost everything we cared about was gone. For me it was dance, trips, sleepovers, field trips, and more; but more than that, I missed my friends. I was on my Chromebook all the time during the many days and months in isolation. Every hour went by faster and faster until the school day was done. I tried balancing friendships, family, and school. I wanted everything back to normal. Nothing is normal, at least not yet.

We were all confused about what was right and what was wrong. I was stressed with school and tests. I had overwhelming thoughts on school, the virus, friends, and many other worldwide problems. There were fires in Australia, violence in the world, but the most significant problem was the coronavirus. We were all isolated at home. I was lonely without my friends and I missed the smallest things. I became grateful for things like a single facetime, a single text, any update ever! I learned that some of the important things to me were actually insignificant. Those trips and extra experiences are not needed. The most important thing is family and friendship.

I think I have grown a lot in the past months. Clark has helped me become myself and create amazing friendships. Going to school here has really prepared me for high school. When we were stuck at home, Clark's teachers and faculty kept us calm and learning. This school has given me so many opportunities and helped me come out of my shell. Clark has been my second home for the past 10 years and I wish I could stay at Clark even longer. I love Clark so much!

  • Class of 2021

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